७ ऑगस्ट, २०१०
मानसिक गर्भधारणा व प्रसुती:उगम, विकास, सद्यस्थिती
६ ऑगस्ट, २०१०
३ ऑगस्ट, २०१०
For Mr. Vasudeo
Dear yashwant,
I think Rajnish had great ability in spirutual field but he sleeped on that way.What do u think?
Some Mr. Vasudeo has asked me this question on my post about Rajneesh. There is no weighing machine to figure out one’s ability in any field. It is certain that when we see a personality like Rajneesh we expect much from him – much more. Rajneesh is the most complex thing in the spiritual world.
Still from my personal experience on Rajneesh teachings, I feel myself in position comfortable discussing what he did, why he did & what has become of whole his business. When one comes to know the ultimate truth (as they say) there remains nothing on his part – he is finished there. Such person disappears totally still he remains as the catalytic agent means things will start happening around such person. His actions are no more motivated by the self. Whatever he does is as simple as any person’s actions but it has tremendous mass appeal.
Generally Enlightened person avoid talking much because there nothing left worth discussing on his part. But in case of Rajneesh he choose exactly contrary way – he discussed all, talked much more than anyone in the whole world, tried hard reading all types of mystics ever walked on this planet & he came forth with idea of Zorba the Buddha. Nothing is new under the sun. But this idea appealed to the Western world. Most of his Western followers were already living a life of Zorba & Rajneesh proposed them to add Buddhahood in their lives which had to gather tremendous appeal as one can guess where whole this venture is leading to. Before Rajneesh Swami Vivekananda, Paramhans Yogananda & lateron Maharshi Mahesh Yogi had introduced all Indian spiritual stuff to the West. But Rajneesh gathered much appeal as he has another product of Tantra & sexual practices which was prohibited for above three heralds by the traditional thinking.
Oregon, where Rajneesh was residing with his followers become a state of utopia which was a threat to USA & their policies. Now, Rajneesh must not be held responsible nor should be given credit for what happened in Oregon because he was just a catalytic agent in whole the business i.e. speaking against Christianity, USA policies on War etc. He was aware of the results of his blah blah. Even he proposed the idea of floating cities in the ocean – means a new world apart.
Up to this period Rajneesh himself had become Zorba the Buddha who had 92 Rolls Royce’s, Diamond wrist watches, private airport, plane & all types of luxuries. I even suspect that he was trying to keep his body intact for more years than a general human being which I gather from his usage of Nitrous Oxide. But this usage turned into an addiction for him.
Rajneesh’s long time followers who had came in line with Rajneesh in context of spiritual experiences, now started leaving him as they were interested in setting up themselves Zorba the Buddha & their own regimes. This resulted in a wave of Enlightened persons all over the globe & new spiritual market flourished in the West.
What became of Rajneesh followers & his teaching is world got many enlightened Masters including conmen who claimed enlightenment. Osho Internatioanal Foundation, Pune now a resort is another topic to discuss.
Some of unique personalities like U. G. Krishnmurty seeing whole the mess created by Rajneesh & other enlightened persons at large, rejected whole ideas of East including enlightenment, which was really a man apart. I think this answers most of your queries.
तुका झाला सांडा विटंबिती पोरे रांडा

२ ऑगस्ट, २०१०
While Reading
While reading this write up never misunderstood yourself that you are able to understand this. If you are able to understand last sentence you will not read further. I am not sitting here with readymade stuff contained in my brain & not at all interested in injecting any ideas into your brain. This is life speaking. Never put me in line with you just because we are humans alike & we have some common traits. We are totally different, totally unique in every way. Just because you can identify words in this language, which is common trait between you and me, you do not get the privilege of UNDERSTANDING. Understanding is everyone’s private matter & it remains totally private whole the life. I cannot convey you what is understood by me & there is no way you are able to do it yourself. In the whole human history real language of communication never existed & will never exist. That’s why all the time there is great chaos around. What we use to say things are just some common signs i.e. words but there is no guarantee that we will be able to lead up to the destination using these signs. But there is full guarantee that these signs will totally mislead each other of us. You will suffocate if I go on writing this stuff. So enough now.
१ ऑगस्ट, २०१०
आजचे सिध्दयोगी